Fig. 1 : Micro-plate distribution by Zonenshain et. al(1981). This event occurred near the border of 'Mn' and Eurasia plate.

Fig. 2 : Micro-plate distribution by Ma(1988). This event occurred near the border of '5' and Eurasia plate.

Fig. 3 : Micro-plate structure by Ishikawa(2002) in East Asia.

Fig. 4 : World shallow seismicity map.

Fig. 5 : Shallow seismicity map. This event was shown by the cross.

Fig. 6 : This event occurred near the M6.7 occurred last December.

Fig. 7: Magnitude time figure in the tetragon in upper map. This activity started on last Dec. 27.

Fig. 8 : World plate distribution map.

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