Tainan M6.4 (2016/2/6)

(2016/2/18 update)

Fig.1 :Epicenter distribution in 2016 by CWB homepage. Time is Taiwan local time.

Fig.2 :Time-space distribution of earthquakes in cut-out area in fig.1 projected to line AB. The upper is east. Earthquakes occurred on 16th in the border region of Taitun and Pingtung.

Fig.3 :Cross section of cut-out area in fig.1 projected to line AB. The right side is east. Earthquakes occurred on 16th is located at the shallow extension part of the mainshoch and afteshock line.

Fig.4 : Epicenter distribution by USGS data M>=5 and depth=<50km.

Fig.5 : Epicenter distribution by USGS data M>=4 and depth=<50km.

Fig.6 : Epicenter distribution from 1980 to 2015 by USGS data.

Fig7 : The histgrum of earthquakes projected to line AB in cut-out area. The left is Taiwan and right is Hokkaido.

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